Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Baton Rouge, LA

Geaux Tigers!! Tucker and Tim watch Mike, the LSU Tiger walking around in his NEW digs!! This is Mike's new swimming hole! LSU has an atheletic pit. All the sport arenas are in the same location on campus. Mike's cage, with air conditioned building, is right in the middle of it all. The Pete Marivich Basketball Arena can be seen in the background. The football stadium is across the street from Mike.
This is Mike! He did NOT like Tucker. He had circled about 6 times and just glared at Tucker before I took this picture. After I took this picture, I put the camera away. Mike immediately turned around, squatted down and "SPRAYED" at Tucker and Tim. It was halarious! You can see how close they were to him. Tim jerked Tucker back just in time. I saw that stuff spraying everywhere. It was like putting your thumb on a water hose! :) I wish I had had the camera out!! :0


Unknown said...

Tucker, it's okay Mike was just jealous because you've seen me much more recently than him. Mike just misses me!

Patti and Tim said...

That is probably the truth! How do you like Mike's new home. I bet he misses your morning visits.